Discover, Learn & Cook Persian Cuisine


Squash Kuku
15 years ago

Squash Kuku

Today’s post features the third recipe for “Squash Week” here on My Persian Kitchen.  I got the idea for this recipe because I was left with plenty of squash …
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Add Some Persian Food To Your Labor Day Weekend

It turns out that this year’s Labor Day Weekend is the most busiest one we have had in the past few years.  I love being social so I am happy …
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Borani Bademjan ~ Persian Yogurt with Eggplant Dip
15 years ago

Borani Bademjan ~ Persian Yogurt with Eggplant Dip

I could start this post with a list of excuses on why I have not posted…but they all come down to two very simple reasons: a major case of …
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4th of July

Hello folks!

Happy 4th of July! I hope you all are going to have lovely day filled with much laughter, good company, and good food!

Here are some cooking suggestions …
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Pita Chips With Sea Salt & Pepper
15 years ago

Pita Chips With Sea Salt & Pepper

My last post featured Mast-o-musir, and if you look at the picture you will notice that I serve mine with pita chips.  Because I was ever so ambitious that …
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Mast-o-Musir ~ Persian Dip With Yogurt & Shallots
15 years ago

Mast-o-Musir ~ Persian Dip With Yogurt & Shallots

Today’s newest recipe post is one of The Sous Chef’s favorites: Mast-o-musir, which is a delicious combination of Lebni and shallots. Must-o-musir literally means yogurt and shallots in Farsi.

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3 Delicious Appetizers for Memorial Day Weekend!

Hello Dear PK readers,

We just wanted to wish you all a Happy Memorial Day Weekend. The first long weekend of the summer is here! The Sous Chef and I …
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Kashkeh Bademjan ~ Persian Eggplant Dip
15 years ago

Kashkeh Bademjan ~ Persian Eggplant Dip

Last week Joan left a comment asking me about a warm borani made with eggplant. Well ladies and gentleman I present to you Kashkeh Bademjan, …
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Lima Bean and Dill Kuku
16 years ago

Lima Bean and Dill Kuku

I am all cuckoo for Kuku (pronounced kookoo)!

I always like saying that about Kuku. For those of you who have not had this particular Persian dish, it is …
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Borani Esfanaj ~ Yogurt with Spinach
16 years ago

Borani Esfanaj ~ Yogurt with Spinach

In Persian borani is an appetizer which is made with yogurt and some type of vegetable. Today’s recipe is Borani Esfanaj, which is yogurt with spinach. I …
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