Discover, Learn & Cook Persian Cuisine

Main Dish

Tortellini with Saffron Sauce
14 years ago

Tortellini with Saffron Sauce

As a Foodbuzz Feature Publisher I get emails regularly about fun foodie competitions and contests to participate in. The other day I received an email featuring Barilla’s Tortellini. Sometimes creating a recipe with a Persian twist with some of the products is hard, but this one? This I had to part take in!!! Barilla and I go way back Read More

Persian Food for Kids #2
14 years ago

Persian Food for Kids #2

Last week I posted a kid friendly Persian recipe in support of Make Time for Change campaign. I was very happy with the positive feedback that I got for the Koofteh Ghel Gheli with Carrot and Potatoes! Today I am posting a second fun recipe that can easily be made with your children! Today’s recipe is Orange Chicken and Read More

Vegetarian Kotlet
14 years ago

Vegetarian Kotlet

I was asked to come up with a recipe for a vegetarian version of Persian Kotlet a while back. For me it was a welcome challenge as having been a pesco-vegetarian in the past one of the dishes that I missed was Kotlet. I actually once made it with fake ground beef, the results were not bad at all. However, Read More

14 years ago


I could have not possibly written about Iranian winters spent under a Korsi and not mentioned one of the most beloved winter dishes Ab-goosht, which literally translated means meat water.  I have very fond memories of sitting under the Korsi and eating Ab-goosht while outside it snowed.  There are a few different ways in which this dish is spelled: Ab-goosht, Abgoosht, or Abgousht. Some also refer to this dish as Dizi after the traditional dish in which it is made. There are two components to this dish Read More

Gigot ~ Persian Lamb Roast
14 years ago

Gigot ~ Persian Lamb Roast

A couple of weeks ago I received an email from Kathy, one the readers. She was inquiring about Gigot and how she should go about making it.  I immediately called my mom, the roast expert, and asked for the recipe as I had never made lamb roast before.  I have to tell you I love roast, always have, always will.  All the credit for this love affair goes to Read More

Dolmeh Bargeh Mo ~ Stuffed Grape Leaves
14 years ago

Dolmeh Bargeh Mo ~ Stuffed Grape Leaves

Stuffed grape leaves are very popular in the Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine.  Persian grape leaves are usually stuffed with ground beef and rice. I have always loved stuffed …
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Koofteh Tabrizi
14 years ago

Koofteh Tabrizi

Last year one of my mom’s cousins, Nilou, told me that she was going to send me a few of her mother’s recipes for me to post on MPK. A few months back my cousin Cyrus came to the US from Switzerland for visit. He brought along an envelop from his mother and inside of it were copies of his grandmother’s recipes.

So here I was with a few new family recipes written in Farsi and unable to read them because my Farsi is not good enough to read calligraphy.  Since my mom is here now, I have taken the opportunity to have her read them for me. Read More

Pirashki Stuffed with Ground Beef
14 years ago

Pirashki Stuffed with Ground Beef

I think it’s pretty safe to say that there are a number of people who will be very happy to finally see this post.  With this said, I present …
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Dolmeh: Bademjan ~ Stuffed Eggplant

Raise your hands if you like stuffed eggplants!

Dolemeh-ye Bademjan, stuffed eggplants, are simply delicious!

Some people refer to them as  eggplant while others call them aubergine or melongene. I personally love them and for today’s recipe  I could not resist buying the small kind.

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Reshteh Polow ~ Persian Rice with Noodles
15 years ago

Reshteh Polow ~ Persian Rice with Noodles

You wonder what “Reshteh means in Farsi? It means thin flat Persian  noodles.

Those of you who are fans over at  My Persian Kitchen’s Facebook Fan Page may have …
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