
Hello Folks! I have some exciting news to share. Today’s post comes to you by the one and only: The Sous Chef!! For the first time in the 11 months that this blog has existed he has cooked, photographed, and written a post!!!  I have to let you in on a little secret. I don’t like Brussels Sprouts.  Yes, it true…I am not a fan and I call them little fart balls. Sorry if I am offending any of you, just keeping it real here!! But he LOVES them!!! What I love is to see him experiment with them and I can’t begin to tell you how excited I was to see him use a Persian touch!!!

Without any further ado, I present to you:

Persian Thanksgiving Side Dishes: Recipe 3

Hello out there in internet-land, this be The Sous chef with an installment of  Persianize your Food!

So, you may be asking: ‘What are we Persianizing today Sous?’ And my response would be: ‘My name is not Sue!’

But enough with the formalities lets get on with today’s recipe.

In the world of children, and some adults, there is no worse curse than being fed the dreaded Brussels sprouts (Lord Vader music playing in the background). This little under-appreciated cabbage is usually served overcooked, under-flavored, and drenched in either butter or cheese to unsuspecting children the world over. Is it no wonder that so many come to despise this vegetable? By some unknown force, be it ignorance or stubbornness, I truly enjoy them even though I was introduced to Brussels sprouts by my parents in the above mentioned way. Therefore, today we will be describing a way in which to prepare the sprouts so they are both flavorful, appetizing, and with a Persian flare (Superman music playing in the background).


When Brussels sprouts are in season they can be found at some stores still on the stalk as in the picture above, and in this condition they are usually cheaper than buying them already separated from the stalk. I would only suggest buying them this way if you are going to be eating quite a few of them over the next week or so, as this stalk probably had over three pounds of Brussels sprouts on it.


Before I get to ahead of myself let’s have a look at the ingredients list, shall we?

½ pound Brussels sprouts

Salt to taste

1 tablespoon olive oil

½ onion, finely diced

3 clove garlic, minced

2 tablespoons slivered pistachios

¼ tablespoon butter (or a pat of butter for those in the know)

¼ – ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon (depending on your taste)

A small pinch of ground cloves


After removing the Brussels sprouts from the stalk trim the ends, remove any bad or damaged leaves, and rinse.


Cut in half, stalk end to leafy end.


Place in steaming basket, and then into a pot. Add enough water to just touch the bottom of the basket (the amount of water will vary depending on the pot, so this is the best measurement to use).


Bring the water to a boil, sprinkle salt on Brussels sprouts, and then cover. Cooking time is 10 minutes. Once the Brussels sprouts are cooked remove them from the pan. Drain the water from the pan and wipe it clean.


While the brussel sprouts are cooking dice your onion, and finely mince your garlic. You can also get your pistachios ready as I have.


Add the pistachios to the dry pan over medium heat and keep stirring until the pistachios are nicely toasted, be careful and pay attention as they will burn really quickly if you don’t keep them moving.  Once they are turning a light brown remove them from the pan and set aside, and once again wipe the pan clean.


Add your oil, enough to cover the bottom of the pan, and sauté your onion and garlic until they are a nice light golden color.  Once your onions and garlic are a light golden turn off the heat. (They will continue to cook for a while so with that in mind we do not fully brown them.)


While the pan is still hot add the other ingredients: Brussels sprouts, pistachios, butter, cinnamon, and cloves.

Stir vigorously until butter is melted and Brussels sprouts are coated in spices and pistachios. Cover and let sit for 3-5 minutes, this lets the brussel sprouts finish cooking and allows the flavors to get a chance to incorporate together.

There you go, a simple one-pot  side dish that is quick, flavorful, and good for you.

I hope you enjoy it and can share it with someone that was, or is, traumatized as a child by the overcooked and under-flavored version of brussel sprouts.

So until the next installment of  Persianize your Food! enjoy your day, or middle of the night, out there in internet-land.